dimanche 16 juin 2013

Major Industrial Fire in Indianapolis

A MAJOR FIRE BROKE OUT in a large, sprawling recycling plant near downtown Indianapolis, Indiana, Saturday afternoon around 1 pm.  The fast-growing fire brought units from five other FD's to assist the Indianapolis FD attempt to contain the massive blaze.
Indy Star
One portion of the facility contained 85,000 sq. ft. of stacked tires and another section was packed with wooden pallets awaiting recycling.  Throughout the entire operation from the beginning there was a continual stream of explosions  from propane tanks.  The firefighters worked hard to protect a 500-gal. propane tank.
The firefighters never attempted to enter the premises with the rapid collapse of roof areas and several interior walls going down also.  About 60% of the 440,000 sq. ft. facility has been destroyed.
Indy Star
WISH-TV filed this video report in late afternoon before it was under control:

The fire burned out of control for nearly eight hours until it was finally contained and marked under control at 8:45 pm.  The fire officials say that they expect to remain on the scene at least until Monday with many small fires burning under the collapse and within the piles of fire load.
It is believed that no employees were in the building when the fire began.
WISH-TV has the STORY.
The Indianapois Star has MORE.
WTHR-TV has more details HERE.
This raw video taken by WISH helicopter runs a little over 11 minutes:

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