mercredi 7 août 2013

Chicago Still & Box Fire 8-6-13 with Red-X »

Chicago Still & Box Fire 8-6-13 with Red-X »:
This from Eric Haak:
At 1620 hrs on Tuesday afternoon, companies in Chicago’s 18th Battalion responded to the report of a fire in a building on the corner of 73rd and Yale.  On arrival, Truck 20 reported a 4-story, 75 x 100 “Red X” apartment building with the top floor fully involved.  Within a few minutes the fire was boxed and companies went completely defensive.  Aerial operations were initiated with the following companies; Engine 122 was positioned on Yale just north of the intersection and fed Truck 20, Engine 47 was positioned on Yale to the south of the fire building and fed Squad 5 in sector 1.  Tower Ladder 34 was set up on 73rd Street on the sector 1/4 corner while Engine 73 took a hydrant about a half block north on Yale and fed them.
 Chicago Fire Department
Eric Haak photo
There are a few unique things about this fire.  First off, this address was in Engine 54′s still district but they never responded.  54 went on an ambulance assist at 1600 hrs that resulted in a DOA.  It took over a half hour for a beat car to arrive and relieve them.  Another thing to note is that Truck 20 is using a spare but have the magnetic numerals on the doors.  As far as I know, Truck 20 is the only one that has them.  I noticed they had them a few months back.

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