jeudi 12 septembre 2013

Brooklyn Working:Videos from Box 2-2-2598 and 3-3-2715 »

Brooklyn Working:Videos from Box 2-2-2598 and 3-3-2715 »:

“Command to 147 Roof, can we get a hole in the roof?”

First video below is of a second-alarm fire at 4315 18th Avenue (Box 2598) shortly after 1100 hours on 11 September. Due to multiple initial calls the box alarm had four engines, two truck companies, Rescue Company 2 and Squad Company 1 at the start. Battalion 48 was the initial battalion chief.

The videos below are of a third-alarm fire at 71 Dahlgreen Place (Box 2715) on 9 September.  Fire in the row frames had spread to exposures. Between the second and third alarms companies were withdrawn and exterior operations began with two master streams operating. A WABC-TV reporter said that according to neighbors the fire dwelling was a “Collyer Mansion.” (Learn about Collyer Mansion here) Battalion 42 was the initial battalion chief. STATter911 reported this earlier and as typical from some anonymous readers, FDNY tactics are questioned against the latest NIST, UL fire behavior, ventilation research.

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Bill Carey is the online public safety news and blog manager with PennWell Public Safety, or more specifically FireRescue Magazine/,, and Bill started in the fire service, as a third generation firefighter in 1986, on the eastern shore of Maryland and then continued after moving to Prince George's County. He served as a volunteer sergeant and lieutenant at Hyattsville where he met Chris Hebert and Dave Ianonne, the creators of Bill went to work for them back in 2001 and after they transitioned away to new, bigger projects, he was hired by them again in 2009. Bill's writing has been on, Fire Engineering, FireRescue Magazine,, the Jones and Bartlett 2010 edition of "Fire Officer: Principles and Practice", The Secret List and

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